Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Still Syawal in October :) ...and Business, the cooperative way!

The Eid spirit continues to the later weeks of Syawal 1430 al-Heejrah around Balik Pulau during the early weeks of October 2009... and as they say, a picture is worth a thousand words (here are some of them as published in Balik Pulau Facebook Group Album:-

Got more? Upload and share them here:-

BTW, a new cooperative enterprise named Koperasi Usahawan Muda Pulau Pinang Bhd (KUMUDA) is making waves from Balik Pulau... check 'em out:-

Visit the KUMUDA's one-stop showcase centre for local entrepreneurs at No 4, Ruang Niaga PERDA, Simpang Empat, Balik Pulau or learn more from its Facebook Page at http://facebook.com/pages/KUMUDA/172941891124

The service centre opens from 6:30 am until 2:30 am.

Be a Fan now!

And don't hesitate to register as a member of equal rights by contacting Cik Erma Fadila at above venue OR the KUMUDA Secretariat at:

Koperasi Usahawan Muda Pulau Pinang Bhd
d/a Pusat Internet Desa,
Bangunan Pejabat Pos Malaysia Bhd,
T/F: (04) 866-2706 E: kumuda@balikpulau.org
(Honarary Secretary: Pn Siti Huraizah).

Only RM10 to join KUMUDA, and available one-time share for annual dividends and election rights starts at just RM100.

Bak kata orang, SEPAKAT membawa BERKAT!

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